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Project information

Engineering for the automatic control of Iberdrola's plants (local and remote control) according to P.O.-7.4

D. Soler P. Frías R. Chao

March 2003 - November 2004

Funding entity Iberdrola

The main goal of the collaboration is the implementation for the set of Iberdrola™s plants of the control strategies planned in the previous years collaboration programs, so they are fully operative before the Voltage Control Operation Procedure (P.O.-7.4) comes into force. The collaboration also includes advising for the ancillary services regulation, and the study of new regulation models. According with these objectives, the contents of the present year collaboration has been structured in four main tasks: A.-Basic engineering for the automatic control of Iberdrola™s plants (local and remote control) according to P.O.-7.4. This task contains the basic engineering for the implementation of voltage control for all Iberdrola™s plants. The task has been divided in the following issues: -Definition of the possible solutions and justification of the one chosen. -Specification of the devices and networks to be installed for voltage control in each power plant. -Detailed budget definition. -Help in the detail engineering design. B.- Software for the monitoring and tracking of voltage control ancillary service. The second main goal of the collaboration is the design of a Windows based software for the real-time monitoring of the voltage control ancillary service for all Iberdrola™s plants. The software will be a easy-to-use tool for the Iberdrola™s Generation Dispatch Centre staff. C.-Final Implementation and checking of real-time voltage control strategies implemented in Iberdrola™s Generation Dispatch Centre. This objective consists of the final implementation and checking of real-time voltage control strategies implemented in Iberdrola™s Generation Dispatch Centre for the most profitable way (technical and economical) to get to the ancillary service P.O.-7.4. D.- Advising for the regulation of ancillary services. Finally, the collaboration covers a legal and technical advising for the development and modification of the regulatory models for the ancillary services. A conscious study and analysis will be carried out for the Spanish models, which includes proposals for new modifications, such as the self-start-up ancillary service.